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We are planning our son's 5th birthday, and the venue we are using is:
-A 1 hour and 15 minute structured gymnastics fun course (eta) led by an instructor. the wall is a huge window, with an upstairs party room that overlooks tolerate gym so parents can watch
-45 minutes in the party room for eating and shít.
We plan to invite his entire class, as well as his cousins. My question is, what are the adults supposed to do for that hour and 15 minutes? No one has to tend to the kids, so are we supposed to just converse? should there be adult games? Or are most parents low maintenance and some music and small talk is fine?
For context, we are the only parents in our friends group, and this will be our first time doing a birthday party that doesn't just involve people we know. I'm rolling my eyes at the entire situation, including this post, but I just need some viewpoints from folks who also have a smaller kid. TIA
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just feed and water people. No games or ice breakers needed
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The adults will be fine. It's 1.5 hours, adults will entertain themselves.
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I have taken my son to a couple of these parties. There's a girl in his class who also always shows up, and her mom and I usually chat until it's over. I honestly wouldn't be bothered if no one talked to me. I usually have a book and wouldn't feel bad at all if I decided to be anti-social and read.
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So I am someone who people always say I am doing way too much. I would probably set up a small iced coffee bar for the adults with some fancier desserts and snacks. If you want to do a game, I would stick to like a trivia or something where people can still move around and keep eyes on their kids. Or maybe a bingo game with random things the kids will be doing in class. But I don't think any games are needed, I thinks basic drinks and snacks would be appreciated, and the coffee bar and fancier desserts would get you a lot of wows.
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As long as there’s refreshments, you’re good. Our gymnastics place allows alcohol during parties, we don’t drink but we provided some alcohol and that seemed to be appreciated.
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I was starting to think I was the only one who did this lol
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I’ve been to several of these parties and chatting with the other parents is the activity for them (I love it.) Based on my experience, they get really excited if you give them beer and yummy snacks
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I’ve never been to a birthday party where for most of it parents don’t have to tend to the kids.
I’ve been to a few different indoor places birthday parties. For all these parties parents have to at least keep an eye on their kids, even if they have people who work at the place supervising and helping.
You don’t have to do anything for the adults. Most adults will probably do small chat with each other and enjoy watching their kids do the gymnastics . If you want be a little extra can give access to some snacks and drinks to parents early if the venue allows it.
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Oh that’s interesting; at all the jumping/climbing/gymnastics type places parties we’ve been invited to, the parents are never allowed to go in the play place area. I always assumed it was an insurance thing.
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Everyone’s already said it - you don’t have to do anything for adults. We all know to just sit around and make small talk until the party’s over.
But … I’ve brought heroes and wings for the adults and it’s never been turned down. Lol. Food never hurts.
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I agree w PPs. Pass out food if you can. I wouldn’t go beyond that. But… I get the stress.
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If I went to a kid party that had games for the adults (strangers most likely) I would leave. That sounds awful. Lol
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I wouldn’t leave, but I would absolutely hate it. Depending on my mood I’d be the anti social bítch in the corner, the overbearing anti social bítch on the gym floor, or the anti social totally annoyed Debbie downer bítch playing ice breaks/games I don’t want to play.
My kid is older now and I feel more comfortable leaving them at some parties, but when I need to stay I look forward to playing on my phone or chatting with a favorite mom friend I don’t see often. No games!
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